Product Description
E-dition Compliance Monitor® Plus (ECM® Plus) features the new interactive SmartChart™ technology. SmartChart is a workflow tool, designed by our partner Wolters Kluwer that enables similar topics to be mapped on one screen for easy viewing. The SmartChart feature has helped decrease time spent researching various topics, thus, improving productivity and reducing cost.
ECM Plus contains over 90,000 lines of data and over 500,000 links mapping from Joint Commission Standard and EP to the related Federal CoPs, SOM, State Regulations and related national organizations.
With just a few clicks you will be able to:
Crosswalk one or multiple Joint Commission standards and EPs to the related CoP, SOM, and state regulations
Access full text of standards, EPs, CoPs, SOM, and state regulations with a simple click
Save your chart for repeat searches
Email your results to share your findings
Export to Excel or Word and print your results
E-dition® is included!
With each purchased license of ECM Plus, JCR's E-dition software is included. Current accreditation standards and requirements of The Joint Commission are just a few clicks away. E-dition delivers 24/7 web-based access to all the content printed in the Comprehensive Accreditation Manual.